
Impact Events
Jul 22, 2024
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Date: Saturday, July 20
NGO partner: Access Life
Every child is a Sooper Dooper Kid, and this weekend we had the joy of spending time with the incredible kids of Access Life India, Chembur chapter. These young champions, bravely battling cancer, inspired us with their boundless energy, enthusiasm, and love. We danced, sang, and drew their dreams together, learning that kindness multiples when shared. Our heartfelt gratitude to Ankeet Dave and the amazing Access Life staff for allowing us to be a small part of your incredible journey. And a big hug to all the parents and children whose purchase of Sooper Dooper Kids t-shirts made this event possible. Because every time you buy a Sooper Dooper Kids t-shirt, 1 t-shirt goes to a lesser privileged child. Here's a sneak peek:

A big THANK YOU to all the kids and parents who purchased Sooper Dooper Kids Tshirts that made this event possible to distribute 140 Sooper Dooper Tshirts to the amazing kids at Access Life India


Their creativity was as contagious as their smiles

Assessment Tests
Jun 06, 2024
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Answer the below questions to find out if you are ready.Here are five relevant questions for assessing readiness to help a child deal with bullying at school:Q1. Do you have open and regular conversations with your child about their experiences at school, including any instances of bullying they may have encountered?A. Not prepared B. Somewhat prepared C. Fully preparedQ2. Are you familiar with the signs of bullying and know how to recognize if your child is being bullied?A. Not prepared B. Somewhat prepared C. Fully preparedQ3. Have you discussed with your child strategies for dealing with bullying, such as assertive communication, seeking help from adults, or using the buddy system?A. Not prepared B. Somewhat prepared C. Fully preparedQ4. Do you have a plan in place for addressing bullying if it occurs, including who to contact at the school and how to support your child emotionally?A. Not prepared B. Somewhat prepared C. Fully preparedQ5. Are you prepared to advocate for your child and work collaboratively with school staff to address and prevent bullying incidents?A. Not prepared B. Somewhat prepared C. Fully preparedAssign a score as below to your above answer:0 Not Prepared 1 Somewhat Prepared 2 Fully PreparedAdd up the scores for all five questions to obtain a total score out of 10.This assessment can help parents gauge their preparedness and identify areas where they may need to focus additional attention or resources to effectively address bullying incidents involving their child.If your total score is:0-4: Not Fully Prepared - There may be areas where you could improve your readiness to help your child deal with bullying.5-8: Somewhat Prepared - You have some level of readiness, but there are areas where you could further enhance your preparedness.9-10: Fully Prepared - Congratulations! You have a strong readiness to support your child in dealing with bullying at school.Join our Sooper Dooper Mum's Whatsapp Community to ask questions, share stories and offer support to other moms with kids in the same age group.
Mar 18, 2024
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In today's fast-paced world, where trends come and go in the blink of an eye, it's easy to forget the power that lies within our clothing choices. But what if we told you that the clothes we wear can do more than just make a fashion statement? What if they could also spark compassion, empathy, and a desire to make a difference in the world? This is precisely the mission behind impact-driven kids' clothing brands like ours, which aim to empower children to become changemakers through their fashion choices.

The Connection Between Fashion and Empathy

Fashion has always been a form of self-expression, allowing individuals to communicate their personality, beliefs, and values without saying a word. But beyond personal expression, clothing also has the remarkable ability to foster empathy and connection with others, particularly when it comes to children.Think about it: when a child puts on a t-shirt from our brand, they're not just wearing a piece of fabric. They're wearing a symbol of hope, solidarity, and kindness. They're sending a message to the world that they care about more than just looking stylish – they care about making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Empathy in Action: Stories That Inspire

One of the most powerful aspects of our brand is the real-life stories behind each t-shirt. Every garment represents a tangible connection to a child in need, someone whose life has been touched by the generosity and compassion of others. Take, for example, the story of Maya, a young girl living in a disadvantaged community in Mumbai, India. Maya's family struggled to make ends meet, and buying new clothes was simply out of the question. But thanks to the donations from our brand, Maya received a brand-new t-shirt – not just any t-shirt, but one that was chosen with care and love by another child just like her. When Maya puts on that t-shirt, she doesn't just see a piece of clothing – she sees a reminder that someone, somewhere, cares about her well-being. And for the child who purchased the t-shirt, seeing Maya's smile and knowing that they played a part in bringing that joy to her life fosters a sense of empathy and connection that transcends geographical boundaries.

Cultivating Compassion Through Conscious Consumerism

But empathy isn't just a passive emotion – it's a skill that can be nurtured and cultivated over time. And one of the most effective ways to do so is through conscious consumerism, teaching children to think critically about the impact of their purchasing decisions on others and the world around them. When a child chooses to buy a t-shirt from our brand, they're not just buying a piece of clothing – they're investing in a vision of a better world, where every child has access to the basic necessities they need to thrive. And by engaging children in conversations about the importance of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility, we're empowering them to become thoughtful, conscientious consumers who actively seek out ways to make a positive difference in the world.

Practical Tips for Fostering Empathy in Children

So how can parents, educators, and caregivers help cultivate empathy in children through fashion? Here are a few practical tips to get started:

Lead by Example: Children learn by example, so make sure to model empathy and compassion in your own actions and choices.

Start Conversations: Use clothing as a starting point for discussions about empathy, social justice, and the importance of giving back to others.

Choose Purposeful Purchases: Encourage children to think about the impact of their clothing purchases and seek out brands that align with their values and beliefs.

Get Involved: Engage children in volunteer opportunities, fundraisers, or community service projects that allow them to see firsthand the impact of their actions on others.

Encourage Creativity: Inspire children to use their creativity and imagination to come up with their own ideas for making a difference in the world, whether it's through art, writing, or activism.


In a world that often seems divided and disconnected, teaching children empathy is more important than ever. By harnessing the power of fashion to spark compassion and connection, brands like ours are empowering children to become changemakers in their own right, one t-shirt at a time. So the next time you or your child put on a piece of clothing, remember the profound impact that it can have – not just on your own life, but on the lives of others around the world.